Electronic parts and components store from Akihabara: Nanaboshi Mfg. SANYO DENKI, HRS, JAE, TMW, DDK, Sanwa connector, TOYOZUMI, HIRAKAWA HEWTECH, etc.
Fukunaga Dengyo
Fukunaga Dengyo Co., Ltd.
2-11-8, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, Japan
TEL 81-3-3251-0445
More than 75 years as an electronic component trading company specializing in Akihabara Electric Town

Series, Type search

Nanaboshi Electric Mfg. NCS series

Basic type of circular metal connectors for industrial equipment.

Nanaboshi Electric Mfg. NCS series

Nanaboshi Electric Mfg. catalog PDF

NCS series product list

Shell size: 14 price list

Nanaboshi NCS14
Shell size:14 / 16 / 25 / 30 / 40(44) / 50(54) / 60(64) / Accessories
Model number Shell size Number of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape Price: JP yen
NCS-142-Ad 14 2 Male, Adapter 990
NCS-142-P 14 2 Female, Plug 650
NCS-142-R 14 2 Male, Receptacle 425

Shell size: 16 price list

Nanaboshi NCS16
Shell size:14 / 16 / 25 / 30 / 40(44) / 50(54) / 60(64) / Accessories
Model number Shell size Number of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape Price: JP yen
NCS-162-Ad(F)-CH 16 2 Male, Adapter with flange 2675
NCS-162-Ad-CH 16 2 Male, Adapter 960
NCS-162-AdF(F)-CH 16 2 Female, Adapter with flange 2865
NCS-162-AdF-CH 16 2 Female, Adapter 1160
NCS-162-P-CH 16 2 Female, Plug 620
NCS-162-PM-CH 16 2 Male, Plug 940
NCS-162-R-CH 16 2 Male, Receptacle 415
NCS-162-RF-CH 16 2 Female, Receptacle 780
NCS-163-Ad(F)-CH 16 3 Male, Adapter with flange 2760
NCS-163-Ad-CH 16 3 Male, Adapter 1035
NCS-163-AdF(F)-CH 16 3 Female, Adapter with flange 2955
NCS-163-AdF-CH 16 3 Female, Adapter 1265
NCS-163-P-CH 16 3 Female, Plug 650
NCS-163-PM-CH 16 3 Male, Plug 990
NCS-163-R-CH 16 3 Male, Receptacle 445
NCS-163-RF-CH 16 3 Female, Receptacle 810
NCS-164-Ad(F)-CH 16 4 Male, Adapter with flange 2865
NCS-164-Ad-CH 16 4 Male, Adapter 1135
NCS-164-P-CH 16 4 Female, Plug 745
NCS-164-R-CH 16 4 Male, Receptacle 480

Shell size: 25 price list

Nanaboshi NCS25
Shell size:14 / 16 / 25 / 30 / 40(44) / 50(54) / 60(64) / Accessories
Model number Shell size Number of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape Price: JP yen
NCS-252-Ad 25 2 Male, Adapter 895
NCS-252-Ad(F) 25 2 Male, Adapter with flange 2725
NCS-252-AdF 25 2 Female, Adapter 1290
NCS-252-AdF(F) 25 2 Female, Adapter with flange 3110
NCS-252-GP1/2 25 2 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 1650
NCS-252-GPM1/2 25 2 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2240
NCS-252-LP 25 2 Female, L type plug 1135
NCS-252-LPM 25 2 Male, L type plug 1650
NCS-252-P 25 2 Female, Plug 670
NCS-252-PM 25 2 Male, Plug 1075
NCS-252-R 25 2 Male, Receptacle 445
NCS-252-RBP 25 2 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 3840
NCS-252-RF 25 2 Female, Receptacle 895
NCS-252-RF kaku 25 2 Female, Square flange receptacle 925
NCS-252-R kaku 25 2 Male, Square flange receptacle 520
NCS-252-SP 25 2 Female, Shorting cap plug 1545
NCS-252-SPM 25 2 Male, Shorting cap plug 2045
NCS-253-Ad 25 3 Male, Adapter 960
NCS-253-Ad(F) 25 3 Male, Adapter with flange 2800
NCS-253-AdF 25 3 Female, Adapter 1355
NCS-253-AdF(F) 25 3 Female, Adapter with flange 3185
NCS-253-GP1/2 25 3 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 1715
NCS-253-GPM1/2 25 3 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2290
NCS-253-LP 25 3 Female, L type plug 1180
NCS-253-LPM 25 3 Male, L type plug 1695
NCS-253-P 25 3 Female, Plug 715
NCS-253-PM 25 3 Male, Plug 1135
NCS-253-R 25 3 Male, Receptacle 480
NCS-253-RBP 25 3 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 3890
NCS-253-RF 25 3 Female, Receptacle 940
NCS-253-RF kaku 25 3 Female, Square flange receptacle 960
NCS-253-R kaku 25 3 Male, Square flange receptacle 540
NCS-253-SP 25 3 Female, Shorting cap plug 1610
NCS-253-SPM 25 3 Male, Shorting cap plug 2110
Model number Shell size Number of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape Price: JP yen
NCS-254-Ad 25 4 Male, Adapter 1035
NCS-254-Ad(F) 25 4 Male, Adapter with flange 2865
NCS-254-AdF 25 4 Female, Adapter 1440
NCS-254-AdF(F) 25 4 Female, Adapter with flange 3260
NCS-254-GP1/2 25 4 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 1790
NCS-254-GPM1/2 25 4 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2340
NCS-254-LP 25 4 Female, L type plug 1215
NCS-254-LPM 25 4 Male, L type plug 1725
NCS-254-P 25 4 Female, Plug 745
NCS-254-PM 25 4 Male, Plug 1180
NCS-254-R 25 4 Male, Receptacle 510
NCS-254-RBP 25 4 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 3915
NCS-254-RF 25 4 Female, Receptacle 960
NCS-254-RF kaku 25 4 Female, Square flange receptacle 1010
NCS-254-R kaku 25 4 Male, Square flange receptacle 575
NCS-254-SP 25 4 Female, Shorting cap plug 1675
NCS-254-SPM 25 4 Male, Shorting cap plug 2160
NCS-255-Ad 25 5 Male, Adapter 1100
NCS-255-Ad(F) 25 5 Male, Adapter with flange 2915
NCS-255-AdF 25 5 Female, Adapter 1500
NCS-255-AdF(F) 25 5 Female, Adapter with flange 3325
NCS-255-GP1/2 25 5 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 1855
NCS-255-GPM1/2 25 5 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2365
NCS-255-LP 25 5 Female, L type plug 1265
NCS-255-LPM 25 5 Male, L type plug 1790
NCS-255-P 25 5 Female, Plug 800
NCS-255-PM 25 5 Male, Plug 1215
NCS-255-R 25 5 Male, Receptacle 540
NCS-255-RBP 25 5 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 3965
NCS-255-RF 25 5 Female, Receptacle 1010
NCS-255-RF kaku 25 5 Female, Square flange receptacle 1035
NCS-255-R kaku 25 5 Male, Square flange receptacle 605
NCS-255-SP 25 5 Female, Shorting cap plug 1725
NCS-255-SPM 25 5 Male, Shorting cap plug 2225
Model number Shell size Number of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape Price: JP yen
NCS-256-Ad 25 6 Male, Adapter 1180
NCS-256-Ad(F) 25 6 Male, Adapter with flange 2995
NCS-256-AdF 25 6 Female, Adapter 1585
NCS-256-AdF(F) 25 6 Female, Adapter with flange 3400
NCS-256-GP1/2 25 6 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 1920
NCS-256-GPM1/2 25 6 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2440
NCS-256-LP 25 6 Female, L type plug 1310
NCS-256-LPM 25 6 Male, L type plug 1840
NCS-256-P 25 6 Female, Plug 840
NCS-256-PM 25 6 Male, Plug 1265
NCS-256-R 25 6 Male, Receptacle 575
NCS-256-RBP 25 6 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4015
NCS-256-RF 25 6 Female, Receptacle 1035
NCS-256-RF kaku 25 6 Female, Square flange receptacle 1075
NCS-256-R kaku 25 6 Male, Square flange receptacle 640
NCS-256-SP 25 6 Female, Shorting cap plug 1790
NCS-256-SPM 25 6 Male, Shorting cap plug 2275
NCS-257-Ad 25 7 Male, Adapter 1245
NCS-257-Ad(F) 25 7 Male, Adapter with flange 3055
NCS-257-AdF 25 7 Female, Adapter 1650
NCS-257-AdF(F) 25 7 Female, Adapter with flange 3465
NCS-257-GP1/2 25 7 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 1995
NCS-257-GPM1/2 25 7 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2495
NCS-257-LP 25 7 Female, L type plug 1355
NCS-257-LPM 25 7 Male, L type plug 1865
NCS-257-P 25 7 Female, Plug 895
NCS-257-PM 25 7 Male, Plug 1310
NCS-257-R 25 7 Male, Receptacle 620
NCS-257-RBP 25 7 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4040
NCS-257-RF 25 7 Female, Receptacle 1075
NCS-257-RF kaku 25 7 Female, Square flange receptacle 1135
NCS-257-R kaku 25 7 Male, Square flange receptacle 650
NCS-257-SP 25 7 Female, Shorting cap plug 1855
NCS-257-SPM 25 7 Male, Shorting cap plug 2315
NCS-258-Ad 25 8 Male, Adapter 1310
NCS-258-Ad(F) 25 8 Male, Adapter with flange 3135
NCS-258-GP1/2 25 8 Female, Adapter 2045
NCS-258-LP 25 8 Female, Adapter with flange 1395
NCS-258-P 25 8 Female, Plug 940
NCS-258-R 25 8 Male, Receptacle 650
NCS-258-RBP 25 8 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4080
NCS-258-R kaku 25 8 Male, Square flange receptacle 680
NCS-258-SP 25 8 Female, Shorting cap plug 1920

Shell size: 30 price list

Nanaboshi NCS30
Shell size:14 / 16 / 25 / 30 / 40(44) / 50(54) / 60(64) / Accessories
ble cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="lsttbl" summary="NCS30 price list">
Model number Shell size Number of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape Price: JP yen
NCS-302-Ad 30 2 Male, Adapter 1395
NCS-302-Ad(F) 30 2 Male, Adapter with flange 3775
NCS-302-AdF 30 2 Female, Adapter 1865
NCS-302-AdF(F) 30 2 Female, Adapter with flange 4070
NCS-302-GP1/2 30 2 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 2060
NCS-302-GPM1/2 30 2 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2760
NCS-302-P 30 2 Female, Plug 840
NCS-302-PM 30 2 Male, Plug 1355
NCS-302-R 30 2 Male, Receptacle 575
NCS-302-RBP 30 2 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4490
NCS-302-RF 30 2 Female, Receptacle 1100
NCS-302-SP 30 2 Female, Shorting cap plug 2060
NCS-302-SPM 30 2 Male, Shorting cap plug 2760
NCS-303-Ad 30 3 Male, Adapter 1480
NCS-303-Ad(F) 30 3 Male, Adapter with flange 3875
NCS-303-AdF 30 3 Female, Adapter 1930
NCS-303-AdF(F) 30 3 Female, Adapter with flange 4130
NCS-303-GP1/2 30 3 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 2120
NCS-303-GPM1/2 30 3 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2825
NCS-303-P 30 3 Female, Plug 895
NCS-303-PM 30 3 Male, Plug 1420
NCS-303-R 30 3 Male, Receptacle 605
NCS-303-RBP 30 3 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4540
NCS-303-RF 30 3 Female, Receptacle 1150
NCS-303-SP 30 3 Female, Shorting cap plug 2120
NCS-303-SPM 30 3 Male, Shorting cap plug 2825
NCS-304-Ad 30 4 Male, Adapter 1545
NCS-304-Ad(F) 30 4 Male, Adapter with flange 3965
NCS-304-AdF 30 4 Female, Adapter 1995
NCS-304-AdF(F) 30 4 Female, Adapter with flange 4195
NCS-304-GP1/2 30 4 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 2185
NCS-304-GPM1/2 30 4 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2865
NCS-304-P 30 4 Female, Plug 960
NCS-304-PM 30 4 Male, Plug 1470
NCS-304-R 30 4 Male, Receptacle 640
NCS-304-RBP 30 4 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4595
NCS-304-RF 30 4 Female, Receptacle 1180
NCS-304-SP 30 4 Female, Shorting cap plug 2185
NCS-304-SPM 30 4 Male, Shorting cap plug 2865
Model number Shell size Number of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape Price: JP yen
NCS-305-Ad 30 5 Male, Adapter 1630
NCS-305-Ad(F) 30 5 Male, Adapter with flange 4030
NCS-305-AdF 30 5 Female, Adapter 2060
NCS-305-AdF(F) 30 5 Female, Adapter with flange 4030
NCS-305-GP1/2 30 5 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 2275
NCS-305-GPM1/2 30 5 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2930
NCS-305-P 30 5 Female, Plug 1020
NCS-305-PM 30 5 Male, Plug 1545
NCS-305-R 30 5 Male, Receptacle 670
NCS-305-RBP 30 5 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4620
NCS-305-RF 30 5 Female, Receptacle 1225
NCS-305-SP 30 5 Female, Shorting cap plug 2275
NCS-305-SPM 30 5 Male, Shorting cap plug 2930
NCS-306-Ad 30 6 Male, Adapter 1695
NCS-306-Ad(F) 30 6 Male, Adapter with flange 4145
NCS-306-AdF 30 6 Female, Adapter 2120
NCS-306-AdF(F) 30 6 Female, Adapter with flange 4325
NCS-306-GP1/2 30 6 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 2340
NCS-306-GPM1/2 30 6 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 2995
NCS-306-P 30 6 Female, Plug 1075
NCS-306-PM 30 6 Male, Plug 1610
NCS-306-R 30 6 Male, Receptacle 700
NCS-306-RBP 30 6 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4670
NCS-306-RF 30 6 Female, Receptacle 1290
NCS-306-SP 30 6 Female, Shorting cap plug 2340
NCS-306-SPM 30 6 Male, Shorting cap plug 2995
NCS-307-Ad 30 7 Male, Adapter 1760
NCS-307-Ad(F) 30 7 Male, Adapter with flange 4260
NCS-307-GP1/2 30 7 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 2415
NCS-307-P 30 7 Female, Plug 1120
NCS-307-R 30 7 Male, Receptacle 735
NCS-307-RBP 30 7 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4710
NCS-307-SP 30 7 Female, Shorting cap plug 2415
NCS-308-Ad 30 8 Male, Adapter 1840
NCS-308-Ad(F) 30 8 Male, Adapter with flange 4335
NCS-308-AdF 30 8 Female, Adapter 2250
NCS-308-AdF(F) 30 8 Female, Adapter with flange 4450
NCS-308-GP1/2 30 8 Female, Pipe Threads Plug 2470
NCS-308-GPM1/2 30 8 Male, Pipe Threads Plug 3080
NCS-308-P 30 8 Female, Plug 1150
NCS-308-PM 30 8 Male, Plug 1725
NCS-308-R 30 8 Male, Receptacle 780
NCS-308-RBP 30 8 Male, Bulkhead Receptacle 4745
NCS-308-RF 30 8 Female, Receptacle 1395
NCS-308-SP 30 8 Female, Shorting cap plug 2470
NCS-308-SPM 30 8 Male, Shorting cap plug 3080
NCS-3013-P 30 13 Female, Plug 4145
NCS-3013-R 30 13 Male, Receptacle 2790
Shell size:14 / 16 / 25 / 30 / 40(44) / 50(54) / 60(64) / Accessories
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  1. The name of the company name and the person in charge
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  5. Model number of the product of the order
  6. Each amount of the product ordering

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  • Payment please bank transfer.
  • Other than the product price, an exchange fee, the postage are necessary.
  • Please bear the transfer fee by the customer.
About shipping.
  • Shipment of goods will be after payment is confirmed.
  • Shipment of the product will use the EMS as a general rule.
  • If you wish to Fedex or DHL, please be announced separately.

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Electronic parts wholesale and retail mail order. Fukunaga Dengyo Co., Ltd.
2-11-8, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
TEL:81-3-3251-0445 FAX:81-3-3251-8523
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